
[kongk, kawngk] /kɒŋk, kɔŋk/
verb (used without object), Slang.
to break or fail, as a machine or engine (often followed by out):
The engine conked out halfway there.
to slow down or stop; lose energy (often followed by out).
to go to sleep (usually followed by off or out).
to lose consciousness; faint (usually followed by out).
to die (usually followed by out).
1915-20; perhaps of imitative orig.
British Dictionary definitions for conk out

conk out

verb (intransitive, adverb) (informal)
(of machines, cars, etc) to fail suddenly
to tire suddenly or collapse, as from exhaustion
Word Origin
C20: of uncertain origin


to strike (someone) a blow, esp on the head or nose
a punch or blow, esp on the head or nose
the head or (esp Brit and NZ) the nose
Word Origin
C19: probably changed from conch
Word Origin and History for conk out



as in conk out, 1918, coined by World War I airmen, perhaps in imitation of the sound of a stalling motor, reinforced by conk (v.) "hit on the head," originally "punch in the nose" (1821), from conk (n.), slang for "nose" (1812), perhaps from fancied resemblance to a conch (pronounced "conk") shell.

Slang definitions & phrases for conk out

conk out

verb phrase
  1. To stop running or operating: if this plane conked out (WWI Royal Flying Corps)
  2. To lose energy and spirits suddenly; become abruptly exhausted (1920s+)
  3. To go to sleep; conk off (1940s+)
  4. To die: So she's conked out, eh?/ John Le Mesurier wishes it to be known that he conked out on Nov 15. He sadly misses family and friends (1920s+)

[probably echoic]

conk 1


The head •Conk designated the nose earlier, by 1812 (1860s+)

  1. To hit on the nose or head: I got conked by the bat (1925+)
  2. To defeat utterly; clobber (1950s+)
Related Terms

bust one's ass

[probably fr conch]

conk 2


: I couldn't get over marveling at how their hair was straight and shiny like white men's hair; Ella told me this was called ''conk''


To apply a mixture sometimes containing lye to the head in order to straighten kinky hair

[1940s+ Black; probably fr Congolene, trademark of a preparation used to straighten hair, influenced by conk1]

conk 3


To die; cease to operate; conk out: A year after that, a spinster aunt conked (WWI Royal Flying Corps)

Idioms and Phrases with conk out

conk out

Stop functioning, fail, as in The engine finally conked out. [ ; early 1900s ]
Fall asleep, as in Every evening he conked out in front of the television set. [ 1940s ]
Faint or collapse, as in I don't know if it was the heat, but she suddenly conked out. [ 1920s ]
Die, as in He's paranoid about conking out and he's only twenty! [ Late 1920s ]